Resources on Racial and Environmental Justice

We are dedicated to ensuring every community has clean air, clean energy, and clean transportation, no matter your zip code or the color of your skin. 

We remain dedicated to ensuring every community has clean air, clean energy, and clean transportation, no matter your zip code or the color of your skin. PCFO commits to creating policies that prioritize equity, and we will do so by taking important steps to ensure diverse voices are at the tables in which we do this work. We are committed to the collective fight for justice in America, in Ohio, and in each of our communities.

We all deserve to live in clean, safe, and healthy communities. Without exception.

Resources on Racial Justice and Environmental Justice

We remain dedicated to learning through listening to the smartest voices on the intersection between racial and environmental justice. In addition, we challenge all of our partners, coalition members, and local communities to join us in acting together to address systemic racism.

We hope the following recommendations will help as we begin educating ourselves and starting critical conversations:


Momentum from Race Forward—features movement voices, stories, and strategies for racial justice

A Week of Podcasts for the Advocate New to Climate Justice—as compiled by advocate Alexis Plair

Why racial justice is climate justiceGrist


Read 75 Things White People Can Do for Racial Justice

Read up on the links between racism and the environment

Alliance for Climate Education has put together a create list of resources found here.

Follow: Renewable energy and environmental justice advocate and expert @GreenKerene; Environmental justice expert @EJinAction; Climate expert and marine biologist @ayanaeliza


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